SINNOWA Medical Science & Technology Co. specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of clinical laboratory equipment and reagents. Its product s include fully/semi automatic automatic biochemistry analyzer, platelet function analyzer, coagulometer, electrolyte analyzer, hematology analyzer and reagents.


3 Part Diff Auto Hematology Analyzer

The HB7021 is a 3-part differential automated hematology analyzer that tests for 22 parameters in a sample volume of 10ul (whole blood) or 20ul (pre-diluted blood). The reliable and easy-to-use device has a throughput of 60 tests per hour and features carry-over protection as well as automatic self-checking functions, making it safe, accurate, and ideal for any medical setting.
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El analizador de electrolitos SINO-003 utiliza el método de ensayo de electrodo selectivo de iones ISE para analizar parámetros como K+, Na+ y Cl- en muestras de plasma, suero, sangre completa y orina de atenuación.
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Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The DS-401 fully automatic chemistry analyzer is a random access instrument with a direct reading system and has a throughput of 1 reagent: 400 tests/hour (max); 2 reagents: 400 tests/hour; with ISE: +120 tests/hour. It offers 80 sample and reagent positions and requires a sample volume of 1-100ul, 0.1ul/step.
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Laboratorio clínico

3 Part Diff Auto Hematology Analyzer

The HB7021 is a 3-part differential automated hematology analyzer that tests for 22 parameters in a sample volume of 10ul (whole blood) or 20ul (pre-diluted blood). The reliable and easy-to-use device has a throughput of 60 tests per hour and features carry-over protection as well as automatic self-checking functions, making it safe, accurate, and ideal for any medical setting.
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El analizador de electrolitos SINO-003 utiliza el método de ensayo de electrodo selectivo de iones ISE para analizar parámetros como K+, Na+ y Cl- en muestras de plasma, suero, sangre completa y orina de atenuación.
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Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The DS-401 fully automatic chemistry analyzer is a random access instrument with a direct reading system and has a throughput of 1 reagent: 400 tests/hour (max); 2 reagents: 400 tests/hour; with ISE: +120 tests/hour. It offers 80 sample and reagent positions and requires a sample volume of 1-100ul, 0.1ul/step.
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Single Channel Coagulometer

The CL-2000 is a single channel coagulometer featuring a back-illuminated LCD, membrane keyboard and built-in thermal printer. Clotting factors are able to be expressed in the form of time (sec), ratio or INR.
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Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The DS261 fully automatic chemistry analyzer has a throughput of 240 tests/hour (max) one reagent, 150 tests/hour two reagents, and +120 tests/hour with ISE. It offers 60 sample positions, 40 or 80 (optional) reagent positions and 40 assay items.
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Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The DS301 is a direct, random access, fully automatic chemistry analyzer offering 60 sample positions, 40 or 80 (optional) reagent positions. It has a throughput of 300 test/h with one reagent, 240 test/h with two reagents, and +120 test/h with ISE.
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Semi-Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The BS3000M is a semi-automatic chemistry analyzer that offers 20 incubating positions with excellent Q.C. function. It features back-illuminated LCD, built-in thermal printer and internal memory for the storage of over 200 programs and 1,000 test results.
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Platelet Function Analyzer

The Aggrestar-PL16 platelet function analyzer performs sequenced platelet counting before and after the addition of platelet agonist, then automatically calculates the aggregation rate by comparing the platelet numbers before and after aggregation. It provides platelet count in addition to measuring platelet function of thrombocytopenic samples using 0.25ml sample volume per test in just 2.5 minutes/test.
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Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The DS-401 is a fully automatic chemistry analyzer with direct reading system that has a throughput of 400 test/hour (max) and 120 test/hour with ISE. It offers 80 sample and reagent positions, and requires a sample volume of 1-100ul, 0.1ul/step.
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8-Channel Microplate Reader

ER-500 is an easy to operate eight-channel microplate reader with the most sophisticated technology that ensures high quality and reliability. It has an 8-channel measuring system and offers various analysis modes such as cut-off, single and multi-standard, O.D., bichromatic, dynamic reading, etc.
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Platelet Function Analyzer
Aggrestar (PL-12)

The Aggrestar (PL-12) is a platelet function analyzer that performs sequenced platelet counting before and after the addition of platelet agonist, then automatically calculates the aggregation rate by comparing the platelet numbers before and after aggregation. It is capable of measuring the platelet function of thrombocytopenic samples of 0.25ml volume per test and provides platelet count in addition to platelet function.
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5-Diff Hematology Analyzer

The HB7501 is a fully automatic 5-part differential hematology analyzer with automatic alarm and diagnostic for abnormal results or problems. The measuring system is constant temperature controlled to ensure the analyzer provides accurate and perfect results.
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El DS-161 es un analizador químico completamente automático con 50 posiciones de muestra, 36 posiciones de reactivo y un rendimiento de 220 pruebas por hora (máximo) y 100 pruebas por hora con ISE.
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Automatic Microplates Washer

W600 is an automatic washer for microplates that is capable of washing all types of microplate wells and provides automatic plate calibration. It is available in 8 or 12 channel modes and can be easily fitted to wash single/ multi-strips or a complete 96-well plate.
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Semi-Automatic Chemistry Analyzer

The BS3000P is a semi-automatic chemistry analyzer featuring a backlit LCD screen and built-in thermal printer. It comes with built-in memory for the storage of over 200 programs and 1,000 test results.
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Hematology Analyzer

The HB-7510 hematology analyzer has a throughput of 60 tests per hour with an auto loading capacity of 40 samples per rack and requires a 50ul whole blood sample or 20ul capillary blood sample. It features automatic alarm and diagnostic for abnormal results or problems and a measuring system that is constant temperature-controlled to ensure accurate results.
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Electrolyte Analyzer

The SINO-005 is an automatic, microprocessor-controlled electrolyte analyzer with a throughput of 60 tests per hour and measures various components of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and pH in whole blood, serum, plasma, or urine. It has an assay time of 25 seconds and a measuring time of less than 48 seconds and features a 128mm x 64mm back-illuminated LCD, storage capacity for more than 2,000 samples and Q.C. data, and built-in thermal printer.
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The CL-2000B semi-automatic coagulometer featuring a 2x16 sample capacity and 37°C dry incubation block is designed to perform all routine tests such as PT, aPTT, TT, Fibrinogen and clotting factors. It features a back-illuminated liquid crystal display, membrane keyboard, built-in thermal printer and stored programs with personalized parameters.
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Analizador de bioquimica

El DS161 ofrece un rendimiento de 160 pruebas por hora con mezcla sin contacto y ajustes automáticos de los parámetros. Otras características incluyen un nuevo sistema de refrigeración y una tecnología para un consumo menor de reactivos.
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Auto Biochemistry Analyzer

The DI-800 is a fully-automated biochemistry analyzer with a maximum throughput of 960 tests/hour (including ISE) and 800 tests/hour (biochemical tests only). Other features include liquid level sensor for automatic checking and tracking of reagents, stereoscopic collision protection, and automatic warm water cuvette washing station with eight channels.
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