BÜHLMANN designs, develops, manufactures and sells medical diagnostic products and kits (IVD or RUO) in the areas of inflammation, cellular allergy, neuroimmunology, clinical chemistry, and chronobiology. It offers the largest menu of molecular diagnostic products and the broadest calprotectin product range, and has ...


Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid Assay
GHB Enzymatic Assay

The GHB enzymatic assay is a three-reagent test intended for the quantitative detection of the abuse/intoxication of Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB), also known as liquid ecstasy. The assay allows for direct, quick, and easy quantification of exogenous intake of GHB and can be applied on clinical chemistry platforms.
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Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Assay
ACE High Sensitive

The BÜHLMANN ACE high-sensitive assay is designed to quantify increased ACE activity in CSF samples from suspected and confirmed neurosarcoidotic patients. The assay shows a detection limit of 1 U/L and can be applied either on microtiter plates with a kinetic reader or on some clinical chemistry analyzers.
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Basophil Activation Test

The Flow CAST is intended for the determination of basophil activation in patient whole blood samples by flow cytometry. BÜHLMANN’s unique marker combination – CCR3 and CD63 – combines the simple gating properties for basophil detection by CCR3 with the solid application of the proven activation marker CD63 in one. Thanks to its easy protocol and smart marker combination the first results can be obtained within one hour – perfect conditions for routine laboratories.
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Laboratorio clínico

Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid Assay
GHB Enzymatic Assay

The GHB enzymatic assay is a three-reagent test intended for the quantitative detection of the abuse/intoxication of Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB), also known as liquid ecstasy. The assay allows for direct, quick, and easy quantification of exogenous intake of GHB and can be applied on clinical chemistry platforms.
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Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Assay
ACE High Sensitive

The BÜHLMANN ACE high-sensitive assay is designed to quantify increased ACE activity in CSF samples from suspected and confirmed neurosarcoidotic patients. The assay shows a detection limit of 1 U/L and can be applied either on microtiter plates with a kinetic reader or on some clinical chemistry analyzers.
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Basophil Activation Test

The Flow CAST is intended for the determination of basophil activation in patient whole blood samples by flow cytometry. BÜHLMANN’s unique marker combination – CCR3 and CD63 – combines the simple gating properties for basophil detection by CCR3 with the solid application of the proven activation marker CD63 in one. Thanks to its easy protocol and smart marker combination the first results can be obtained within one hour – perfect conditions for routine laboratories.
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Neuroimmunology Assay
Anti-GM1 Autoantibodies ELISA

The anti-GM1 Autoantibodies ELISA by BÜHLMANN is an assay designed for the quantitative determination of IgG and/or IgM of auto-antibody isotype directed against GM1 in human serum using individual IgG- and IgM-conjugates. The assay is based on the enzyme-immunometric assay technique with the wells of the provided microtiter plate coated with gangliosides: GM1.
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Anti-SGPG Autoantibodies ELISA

El ELISA de autoanticuerpos anti-SGPG de BÜHLMANN es un ensayo semicuantitativo para la determinación de anticuerpos IgM contra SGPG. El ELISA de autoanticuerpos anti-SGPG de BÜHLMANN es el único ensayo con marca CE.
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Quantum Blue Reader 3rd Generation

El Quantum Blue Reader de 3.ª generación es un lector de casetes de prueba de flujo lateral que analiza las intensidades de las líneas mediante un análisis de imágenes de última generación y las traduce en un resultado cuantitativo en minutos.
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Serum Calprotectin Assay

The BÜHLMANN sCAL turbo serum calprotectin assay is a flexible and powerful tool to be applied on most clinical chemistry analyzers with dramatically reduced hands-on that allows serum calprotectin result reporting within a very short time. Its wide measuring range covers the clinically relevant concentrations and includes automated re-run for extreme high-level concentrations without high dose hook effect up to >90 µg/mL.
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Anti-Infliximab Antibody Test
Quantum Blue Anti-Infliximab

The Quantum Blue Anti-Infliximab lateral flow rapid test for anti-infliximab antibody determination allows for a highly specific detection of antibodies against infliximab within 15 minutes with an excellent specificity of 95%. As a drug-sensitive assay, its ease of use and short incubation time offers fast and reliable qualitative measurement of free anti-drug antibodies against the biologic drug.
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Quantum Blue Adalimumab

La prueba Quantum Blue Adalimumab está diseñada para la medición cuantitativa de los niveles mínimos de adalimumab en minutos para el ajuste de la dosis del fármaco. El rango de la prueba es de 1,3 a 35 μg/mL de adalimumab en suero.
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Cellular Allergen Stimulation Test

CAST ELISA, a cellular allergen stimulation test, can also be considered as an in vitro allergy provocation test that enables the detection of IgE-mediated allergies as well as pseudo-allergies. The latter kind of allergy is best known for Aspirin (ASA) and other non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and various other drugs or food additives.
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Pancreatic Elastase Quantification Assay

BÜHLMANN fPELA turbo, a turbidimetric immunoassay, is a flexible solution to be applied on most clinical chemistry analyzers, and marks a milestone in the automation of pancreatic elastase quantification. It allows very rapid and flexible random access use, as well as being the ideal solution for high throughput applications in the routine laboratory. The fPELA turbo assay reduces hands-on time dramatically and allows reporting pancreatic elastase results from human stool samples within the shortest time.
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Infliximab Rapid Test
Quantum Blue Infliximab

The Quantum Blue Infliximab is the first rapid test to measure infliximab in serum samples and is designed for the selective measurement of infliximab by a sandwich immunoassay. The assay provides a quantitative result within 15 minutes of incubation time. This offers the possibility to health care providers to act immediately before infusion of the next infliximab dose, offering the possibility to health care providers to act immediately before infusion of the next infliximab dose.
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The BUHLMANN CIC-C1Q ELISA is intended for the quantitative in vitro diagnostic determination of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in serum and plasma of patients with various autoimmune and other CIC-related diseases. The FDA 510k cleared assay offers clinicians and researchers a tool that provides useful clinical information regarding immunopathology, prognosis, and follow-up of rheumatic and autoimmune disorders.
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Fecal Calprotectin Assay

The BÜHLMANN fCAL ELISA is an in vitro diagnostic assay intended for the quantitative measurement of fecal calprotectin in human stool. It aids in the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), specifically Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) and aids in the differentiation of IBD from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in conjunction with other laboratory and clinical findings. The FDA 510k cleared, non-invasive, sensitive and specific assay is accurate, precise, efficient and offers reliable information to aid clinicians in selecting patients for further diagnostic procedures.
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El CALEX Cap es el primer y único dispositivo de extracción de heces adecuado para el transporte aéreo y terrestre seguro, que ofrece una extracción eficiente, conveniente e higiénica de las muestras de heces.
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Quantum Blue CRP

El ensayo de flujo lateral para la proteína C-reactiva (PCR) de Quantum Blue es un inmunoensayo tipo sándwich, diseñado para la determinación cuantitativa de la PCR en suero humano en combinación con el lector BÜHLMANN Quantum Blue.
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The anti-MAG ELISA test is based on highly-purified MAG from human brain to reliably quantify anti-MAG antibodies in immune-mediated demyelinating neuropathies. It is characterized by outstanding sensitivity and specificity and can be used as stand-alone test or in combination with BÜHLMANN GanglioCombi MAG ELISA to confirm auto-antibodies against MAG.
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Enzyme Kinetic Assay

The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) kinetic assay allows clinical routine laboratories to measure enzyme activity in serum using an easy to use procedure on most open clinical chemistry platforms. The CE-marked kit provides ready-to-use substrates and highly stable calibrator and controls, which remain stable for six months at 2-8°C.
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Fecal Calprotectin Assay

The BÜHLMANN fCAL turbo is an immuno turbidimetric fecal calprotectin assay that provides flexible and random access application on all major clinical chemistry platforms. The assay covers a measuring range from 20 to 8000 µg/g calprotectin and delivers results within 10 minutes.
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Pruebas Punto de Atención

Quantum Blue Reader 3rd Generation

El Quantum Blue Reader de 3.ª generación es un lector de casetes de prueba de flujo lateral que analiza las intensidades de las líneas mediante un análisis de imágenes de última generación y las traduce en un resultado cuantitativo en minutos.
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