Taigen Bioscience Corporation develops, manufactures, and sells nucleic acid extraction reagents, fully automated instruments, and molecular diagnostics reagents. The company also provides customization services for automated instruments.


DNA/RNA Extraction System
LabTurbo SP-qPCR AIO System

The LabTurbo SP-qPCR AIO System is fully automated for sample-to-result DNA/RNA testing and is suitable for diagnostics of HIV/HBV/HCV/HPV, NIPD, cancer detection, genotyping, and many more applications. The sample-to-result procedure includes auto sample barcoding, primary tube sampling, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR setup, qPCR and detection result analysis.
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LabTurbo 24 Compact System
DNA/RNA Extraction System

The LabTurbo 24 Compact System is a bench-top extractor that can fully automate DNA/RNA extraction of up to 24 samples in 70 minutes from raw samples (auto-sampling) to nucleic acid elutes. It provides maximal nucleic acid recovery with a linear input-yield pattern, making it an excellent nucleic acid extractor for small to medium throughput users.
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LabTurbo 48 Compact System

El sistema LabTurbo 48 Compact automatiza la extracción de ADN/ARN para hasta 48 muestras en 90 minutos desde la muestra en bruto hasta la elución de los ácidos nucleicos. Puede purificar eficazmente el ADN/ARN de las muestras celulares, virales, bacterianas, tisulares y de la circulación.
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Laboratorio clínico

DNA/RNA Extraction System
LabTurbo SP-qPCR AIO System

The LabTurbo SP-qPCR AIO System is fully automated for sample-to-result DNA/RNA testing and is suitable for diagnostics of HIV/HBV/HCV/HPV, NIPD, cancer detection, genotyping, and many more applications. The sample-to-result procedure includes auto sample barcoding, primary tube sampling, DNA/RNA extraction, PCR setup, qPCR and detection result analysis.
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LabTurbo 24 Compact System
DNA/RNA Extraction System

The LabTurbo 24 Compact System is a bench-top extractor that can fully automate DNA/RNA extraction of up to 24 samples in 70 minutes from raw samples (auto-sampling) to nucleic acid elutes. It provides maximal nucleic acid recovery with a linear input-yield pattern, making it an excellent nucleic acid extractor for small to medium throughput users.
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LabTurbo 48 Compact System

El sistema LabTurbo 48 Compact automatiza la extracción de ADN/ARN para hasta 48 muestras en 90 minutos desde la muestra en bruto hasta la elución de los ácidos nucleicos. Puede purificar eficazmente el ADN/ARN de las muestras celulares, virales, bacterianas, tisulares y de la circulación.
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PCR Setup System
LabTurbo Reaction

The LabTurbo Reaction (PCR) setup system is a fully-automated workstation for all functions of assay preparation and setup with user-defined/import worksheets in Excel, csv, txt, and numerous PCR thermocycler-compatible formats. It provides different throughputs (1-96 samples) with high accuracy and reproducibility, and allows users to customize their own PCR preparation and setup protocols.
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Extractor de acidos nucleicos
LabTurbo 96XC

El LabTurbo 96XC utiliza un brazo robótico multifuncional para lograr un flujo de trabajo, de muestras a elución, de 96 muestras en 90 minutos. Cuenta con un brazo de canal de 12 pipetas con escáner ultrasónico incorporado para un manejo preciso de los líquidos y del nivel en tiempo real del líquido además de la detección de objetos.
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Automated DNA/RNA Extractor
LabTurbo 24 AIO SP-qPCR

The LabTurbo 24 AIO SP-qPCR is a fully integrated system providing non-stop automation of nucleic acid extraction, PCR setup, qPCR to report with one-click in one compact, machinery box. It has a sample to report time of three hours and is compatible with various (RT) PCR kits.
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