Kare Medical and Analytical Devices Ltd. Co.

Kare Medical and Analytical Devices Ltd. Co.

Your Reliable Partner For Respiratory Therapy Kare Medical manufactures and distributes Hikoneb, SleepOne, PureBreath, EcoAspir branded medical equipments and disposable products worldwide. ● Homecare Nebulizers(ultrasonic and compressor) ● Hospital Use Ultrasonic Nebulizers ● Suction Pumps ● CPAP devices(Standar ...


Life Support Ventilator
KMV 5010

The KMV 5010 features a large, color screen that allows clinicians to easily read set parameters, waveforms, numerical data, and trends. The system is intended for both adult and pediatric patients, offering a wide choice of modes and settings to match the needs of individual patients.
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KMV 5010

The KMV 5010 provides up to 15 hours of portable ventilation. The system features various pressure / volume modes, and a color LCD for RT pressure / flow graphics. Therapy trends and alarm history can be easily seen, with saved data available for viewing or downloading.
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NIV Ventilator

The ProPSV offers a range of pressure modes, together with volume targeting, servo ventilation, and three hours of portable operation. A color LCD screen provides RT pressure and flow graphics, with data saved on the SD card easy to download for viewing/creating reports.
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Cuidados intensivos

Life Support Ventilator
KMV 5010

The KMV 5010 features a large, color screen that allows clinicians to easily read set parameters, waveforms, numerical data, and trends. The system is intended for both adult and pediatric patients, offering a wide choice of modes and settings to match the needs of individual patients.
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KMV 5010

The KMV 5010 provides up to 15 hours of portable ventilation. The system features various pressure / volume modes, and a color LCD for RT pressure / flow graphics. Therapy trends and alarm history can be easily seen, with saved data available for viewing or downloading.
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NIV Ventilator

The ProPSV offers a range of pressure modes, together with volume targeting, servo ventilation, and three hours of portable operation. A color LCD screen provides RT pressure and flow graphics, with data saved on the SD card easy to download for viewing/creating reports.
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Cuidados domiciliarios

SleepOne PRO PSV
SleepOne PRO PSV

ProPSV Non-invasive pressure support ventilator Versatile with pressure controlled and support modes, together with volume targetting. “Volume targeting” feature, when enabled, will increase pressure automatically if the patient’s tidal volume cannot reach the set target volume. Pressure increase range of this function can be adjusted from 3 to 10 cmH2O. Alarms, both audio and visual, including high/low pressure, high/low volume, high frequency, high leak and low battery. With its internal lithium-ion battery, ProPSV can provide approximately three hours of portable operation. This makes it suitable for more serious patients. Wide and colorful LCD screen provides real time pressure and flow graphics. Optional integrated heated humidifier helps for preventing the symptoms of upper airway dryness. Therapy data saved in the SD Card can be downloaded easily for viewing and creating reports. Remote control and monitoring via realtime graphics (Patient Flow/Leak with event notifiers, Pressure and Tidal Volume) is also possible with SleepOne Desktop software. Suitable for the following diseases: - Obstructive respiratory disorders such as COPD - Restrictive respiratory disorders such as scoliosis, deformities of the thorax - Neurological, muscular and neuromuscular disorders that affect respiratory - Central respiratory regulation disorders - Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS)
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EcoASPIR Portable Suction Unit
EcoASPIR Portable Suction Unit

ECOASPIR is a compact suction unit specially designed to be lightweight and comfortable for home use. ECOASPIR has 1000 ml. disposable collection bottle with automatic float shut-off . It meets the ISO 10079 standards. Main Features • High Vacuum Capability, 550 mmHg • Elegant, Small and Lightweight, Portable Design • Integrated Bacterial Filter • Automatic Float Shut-off • 1000 ml. Disposable Collection Bottle
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Hikoneb OxyBreath 10 LPM Oxygen Concentrator
Hikoneb OxyBreath 10 LPM Oxygen Concentrator

Hikoneb® OxyBreath 10L Oxygen Concentrator can work on high temperature countries because it utilizes powerful fan compressor cooling mechanism. Fan is located under the machine so even patients use the device near to the walls, airflow is not disturbed. Two filters in the device are very easy to change and the dust filter has very easy access in order to provide easy maintenance. Device could be used in dusty environments if the regular dust filter maintenance is supplied. Oxygen concentrators are stationary, electrical units that take in nitrogen from the air around you and provide a streaming flow of oxygen. Oxygen concentrators are less expensive than liquid oxygen and are the most cost-effective source of oxygen therapy. Almost 80% of home oxygen patients use oxygen concentrators in their daily lives. Before oxygen concentrators were around, it was necessary to use heavy steel aluminium cylinders which served as a supply of pure oxygen. Things changed after the oxygen concentrator was invented. A concentrator does not store oxygen like the aluminium cylinders of the past. It produces and distributes oxygen on a continuous basis. It takes the regular air, which normally contains 21% oxygen, and removes the nitrogen. The resulting air is 95 % percent pure oxygen.. Key Points - For patients with high flow oxygen needs - Easy to operate - Reliable, long operating life - Does not need any refills, just plug and play - Utilizes more molecular sieve than its competitors - High quality molecular sieve - Silent operation - Optional oxygen monitor
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Hikoneb 906 S/LCD Ultrasonic Nebulizer
Hikoneb 906 S/LCD Ultrasonic Nebulizer

Hikoneb 906 S/LCD Ultrasonic Nebulizer is designed to be used on continuously hospital environment. Liquid Crystal Display, 3 button control panel and utilized microcontroller technology allows unit to be precisely controlled. Built in timer function helps hospital staff and unit works for the needed period only. 906 S/LCD unit is perfect for intensive use on clinical environments. Included accessories, hytrel tubing, water bottle, bacterial fi lter, air fi lter and mobile stand is perfect for hospital use. All the parts other than filters, are autoclavable up to 132° Celcius. Supplied medicine caps allow the hospital staff to provide medicine to the patient effi ciently. 650 ml water tank and 1000 ml additional tank guarantees long operation. Adjustable nebulization is another positive speciality, which enables the adjustment of the given medicine amount in time. By the help of automatic heating mechanism, unit can supply warm vapour up to 38° C. Hikoneb Ultrasonic Hospital nebulizers are sold with complete accessories. You do not spend extra charges for the trolley, hoses, filters, etc. Spare parts are available at reasonable costs, unlike other products in the market. All the parts in contact with the patient are autoclavable. Main Areas of Usage - Anesthesia, Surgery, Pediatrics - Intensive Care - Internal medicine applications - Specific and non-specific lung diseases - Bronchial Asthma - Pneumonia - Acute and non-acute bronchial - Ear, nose and throat - Plastic surgery model - Humidification of respiratory gases - Drug Nebulization
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Hikoneb 908 DC Ultrasonic Nebulizer
Hikoneb 908 DC Ultrasonic Nebulizer

Hikoneb 908 DC Ultrasonic Nebulizer is designed to be used on hospital environment. Fully digital control panel, and utilized microcontroller technology allows unit to be precisely controlled. Built in timer function helps hospital staff and unit works for the needed period only. 908 DC unit is perfect for intensive use on clinical environments. Included accessories, hytrel tubing, water bottle, bacterial filter, air filter and mobile stand is perfect for hospital use. All the parts other than filters, are autoclavable up to 132° Celcius. Supplied medicine caps allow the hospital staff to provide medicine to the patient efficiently. 650 ml water tank and 1000 ml additional tank guarantees long operation. Adjustable nebulization is another positive speciality, which enables the adjustment of the given medicine amount in time. By the help of automatic heating mechanism, unit can supply warm vapour up to 38° C. Hikoneb Ultrasonic Hospital nebulizers are sold with complete accessories. You do not spend extra charges for the trolley, hoses, filters, etc. Spare parts are available at reasonable costs, unlike other products in the market. All the parts in contact with the patient are autoclavable. Main Areas of Usage - Anesthesia, Surgery, Pediatrics - Intensive Care - Internal medicine applications - Specific and non-specific lung diseases - Bronchial Asthma - Pneumonia - Acute and non-acute bronchial - Ear, nose and throat - Plastic surgery model - Humidification of respiratory gases - Drug Nebulization
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Hikoneb A101 & A102 Pediatric Compressor Nebulizer
Hikoneb A101 & A102 Pediatric Compressor Nebulizer

Hikoneb AeroCare 101 and 102 Piston Type Nebulizer is designed to be used for pediatric patients. Both of the units have attractive design that makes the therapy more enjoyable for kids. Main Areas of Usage - Drug Nebulization - Specific - Non specific lung diseases - Bronchial Asthma - Pneumonia - Acute and Non-acute bronchial
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Hikoneb AeroCare II Compressor Nebulizer
Hikoneb AeroCare II Compressor Nebulizer

Hikoneb AeroCare II Piston Type Nebulizer is designed to be used on living environment of the patient. AeroCare II unit is perfect for daily usage of a single patient. Nebulizer is a device used to administer medication to people in forms of a liquid mist to the airways. It is thus used in treating respiratory diseases. Piston type nebulizers pump air through a liquid medicine to turn into a vapor, which is then inhaled by the patient. These medicines are frequently steroids and the reason they are inhaled instead of digested is to limit their effect to the lungs / respiratory system only. Otherwise, that amount of steroid saturated throughout the body would be toxic. Main Areas of Usage - Drug Nebulization - Specifi c - Non specifi c lung diseases - Bronchial Asthma - Pneumonia - Acute and Non-acute bronchial
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SleepOne PRO VT
SleepOne PRO VT

SleepOne ProVT Pressure Support Ventilation Device Stabilizing Tidal Volume with ease: SleepOne ProVT constantly monitors changes in the Tidal Volume of the patients. With Tidal Volume Targeting, it changes patient’s Pressure Support according to the Volume Target set. Pressure support ventilation for moving patient needs, easy as Bilevel therapy. SleepOne ProVT monitors the patients Tidal Volume changes, and reacts according to the set Tidal Volume. Result is a much more stable Tidal Volume for patient. Auto Backup Rate is also calculated according to patient averages. Backup rate could also be set manually. Device slowly adjusts pressure, without disturbing the patients breathing. Another feature in ProVT algorithm enables the healthcare professionals to adjust the speed of Pressure Support increase. This is adjustable between 1 cmH2O/min – 4 cmH2O/min. Also tolerance for Tidal Volume Target is adjustable from %10 to %60. These settings enable the healthcare professionals to adjust the ProVT in accordance with patient’s needs. ProVT ensures that the patient is treated with minimum pressure needed to properly ventilate the patient. By tracking tidal volume, it provides easy operation and traceable compliance for the healthcare professionals. Changing Pressure Support for changing needs: Tidal Volume changes, sometimes according to sleep stages or body position or else. Whatever the reason for changing Tidal Volume, ProVT can cope with the situation and give the patient needed pressure to fulfill Target Volume at the right time.
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SleepOne Pro SV
SleepOne Pro SV

Active Patient Control on Breath-by-breath basis: SleepOne ProSVTM is an active and also proactive device which responds to patients breath by breath changes. Patient who suff ers from Cheyne-Stokes Ventilation, Central Apnea, Obstructive Apnea or Complex Apneas can benefit from the active / proactive algorithm of ProSV. Device monitors several parameters from the patients and adjust pressure and breath rate according to the change. Patients who don’t get enough from standard Bilevel therapy, or Auto-Bilevel algorithms can find the ProSV is a problem solver for complex patients. Patient Focused Flexible Algorithm: ProSV targets to keep the patient flow to the %90 of the 3 minute moving average. During a normal breathing cycle, in which patient’s respiratory eff ort is minimum, device keeps the pressure level to a minimum also. If there is no respiratory eff ort, patient is forced with the backup rate. According to the measured patient flow, ProSV categorizes the events. During complex apneas, device does not respond. Obstructive apneas are responded with a pressure increase after multiple events. Hypopneas are also responder events with pressure increase after multiple events. Snores are also responder events. Pressure increase is monitored and the amount is interactively chosen by the algorithm. ProSVTM decreases the pressures during no-event times. Patient is always treated with necessary pressure. High Leak Flows, Periodic breathing (Cheyne-Stokes Ventilation) and all other events are recorded for reporting.
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SleepOne Bilevel ST Auto
SleepOne Bilevel ST Auto

SleepOne Bilevel ST Auto is the newcomer from the SleepOne Product Line. With its powerful blower device can go up to 35 cmH2O in allowed modes. It is a solution developed for developing countries. Single product fits wide range of patients. This aspect makes the product charming to the professional users. When the patient is ready to go home, or a less complicated solution is needed after the intensive care, SleepOne Bilevel ST Auto provides the freedom to try diff erent modes on the patient to choose which one is the best. Together with the SleepOne Desktop software, all the settings can be changed, modes can be changed or the patient can be monitored realtime with several graphics* Graph 1 : Pressure Graph 2 : Flow Graph including Patient Flow Curve, Leak Flow Curve, Event Notifi ers (Apnea, Hypopnea, etc.) Graph 3: Lung Fill Curve All the curves give you realtime data at your fingertips. No additional hardware needed, other than a USB port and a Windows PC. *Realtime monitoring and Graphics are done via SleepOne Desktop Software.
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SleepOne Bilevel ST
SleepOne Bilevel ST

Kare Medical is proud to present the Bilevel devices from the SleepOne product line. SleepOne Bilevel devices are designed to provide accurate spontaneous Bilevel breathing support. With the SleepOne Bilevel ST, patients could also be treated with spontaneous timed and timed ventilation. Either patient triggers the device or device is triggered by the backup rate, SleepOne Bilevel ST is a reliable therapy device. With the enhanced algorithm, they are quite accurate to identify the patients breathing attempts. Adjustable triggering sensitivity increases patient compliance, and makes the device useful for different patient groups. Inspiration Trigger is adjustable from 2 l/min to 20 l/min flow. To increase the device-patient synchronization, both IPAP-EPAP and EPAP-IPAP pressure change curves could be rounded in 5 steps. This setting improves the patient comfort thus it increases the synchronization. Internal power supply, ensures easy handling during travel, and prevents the bulky mess in your bedroom. Only a thin power cable is enough to run the device. Optional accessories are available on demand. An oxygen enrichment adapter; a converter for use with 12V jack in the cars, trucks and boats
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SleepOne Bilevel Auto
SleepOne Bilevel Auto

Kare Medical is proud to present the Bilevel devices from the SleepOne product line.SleepOne Bilevel devices are designed to provide accurate spontaneous Bilevel breathing support. With the SleepOne Bilevel Auto, patients could also be treated with auto adjusting bilevel modes. Adjustable triggering sensitivity increases patient compliance, and makes the device useful for different patient groups. Inspiration Trigger is adjustable from 2 l/min to 20 l/min flow. To increase the device-patient synchronization, both IPAP-EPAP and EPAP-IPAP pressure change curves could be rounded in 5 steps. This setting improves the patient comfort thus it increases the synchronization. Mode 1 - Auto Bilevel Constant Delta P This Mode starts with the minimum EPAP, Maximum IPAP, Pressure Support, Ti Min and Ti Max set by the physician. Device auto titrates the IPAP pressure and defi nes the EPAP according to fixed parameter Pressure Support(IPAP-EPAP). So there is always a constant pressure diff erence between IPAP and EPAP. Device responds to Apnea,Snore,Hypopnea, RERA(Respiratory Effort Related Arousal) Mode 2 - Auto Bilevel Variable Delta P This Mode starts with the minimum EPAP, Maximum IPAP, Pressure Support, Min Pressure Support, Max Pressure Support, Ti Min and Ti Max set by the physician. Device auto titrates both IPAP and EPAP pressures. So there is a changing Pressure Support. Device responds to Apnea, Snore, Hypopnea, Flow Limitation(RERA).
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SleepOne Bilevel S
SleepOne Bilevel S

Kare Medical is proud to present the Bilevel devices from the SleepOne product line. SleepOne Bilevel devices are designed to provide accurate spontaneous bilevel breathing support. With the enhanced algorithm, they are quite accurate to identify the patients breathing attempts. Adjustable triggering sensitivity increases patient compliance, and makes the device useful for diff erent patient groups. Inspiration Trigger is adjustable from 2 l/min to 20 l/min flow. To increase the device-patient synchronization, both IPAP-EPAP and EPAP-IPAP pressure change curves could be rounded in 5 steps. This setting improves the patient comfort thus it increases the synchronization. Internal power supply, ensures easy handling during travel, and prevents the bulky mess in your bedroom. Only a thin power cable is enough to run the device. Optional accessories are available on demand. An oxygen enrichment adapter; a converter for use with 12V jack in the cars, trucks and boats;
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SleepOne CPAP

SleepONE CPAP creates a high comfort therapy for fixed pressure OSA patients. Small, lightweight and robust design makes it very portable together with universal power supply. Easy to adjust integrated heated humidifier, wide pressure range operation, Auto on and off functions fulfi ll all the needs for a successful therapy. Forget about costly accessories, you do not need to pay much for a decent therapy. No need to pay for getting your sleep data. Everything is included in this small, durable machine for a comfortable night sleep. A data logging function ensures you get the right therapy all the time. Bundled with the Sleep One Software package, you can get your reports with just connecting the device with a USB cable. Whether you use an AutoCPAP or a standard one; nightly reports could be fetched from the device with the aid of the Sleep ONE Software. Internal power supply, ensures easy handling during travel and prevents the bulky mess in your bedroom. Only a thin power cable is enough to run the device. Optional accessories are available on demand. An oxygen enrichment adapter; a converter for use with 12V jack in the cars, trucks and boats; Sleep ONE Platform gives the patient comfort, reliability and cost effectiveness.
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Hikoneb Home-Type Ultrasonic nebuliser

Hikoneb Home-Type ultrasonic nebulizer is designed to be used on living environment of the patient. Home-Type unit is perfect for daily usage of a single patient. Included accessories, adult mask, children mask, mouthpiece and disposable tubing is perfect for single patient use. Supplied medicine caps allow patient to take the medicine easily. 400 ml water tank makes it unrivalled. Adjustable nebulization is another positive specialty, which makes the unit last more than 2 hours with the full tank. Main Areas of Usage ·Room Humidification ·Drug Nebulization ·Specific and non-specific lung diseases ·Bronchial Asthma ·Pneumonias ·Acute and non-acute brunchial
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Hikoneb OxyBreath Mini 3 & Mini 5 Oxygen Concentrators
Mini 3 & Mini 5

Kare Medical proudly presents the new Oxybreath Mini series. Mini 3 and Mini 5. Both with the non medical look, low volume design that saves transportation costs of providers and makes the therapy easier for patients. Mini 3 is specially designed for low flow patients in order to save them from the cost of 5 liter machines. Mini 5 is for patients that require regular therapy in a smaller and power efficient platform.
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SleepOne Auto CPAP
Auto Cpap

sleepONE AutoCPAP device, provides a comfortable therapy, with the lowest possible therapy pressure. This is done by the internal algorithm.Reaction to Snoring is adjustable by the "Snore Sensitivity" Parameter. Small, lightweight and robust design makes it very portable together with universal power supply. Easy to adjust integrated heated humidifier, wide pressure range operation, auto on and off functions fulfill all the needs for a successful therapy. Forget about costly accessories, you do not need to pay much for a decent therapy. No need to pay for getting your sleep data. Everything is included in this small, durable machine for a comfortable night sleep. A data logging function ensures you get the right therapy all the time. Bundled with the Sleep One Software package,you can get your reports with just connecting the device with a USB cable. Whether you use an AutoCPAP or a standard one; nightly reports could be fetched from the device with the aid of the Sleep ONE Software. Internal power supply, ensures easy handling during travel and prevents the bulky mess in your bedroom.Only a thin power cable is enough to run the device. Optional accessories are available on demand. An oxygen enrichment adapter; a converter for use with 12V jack in the cars, trucks and boats; Sleep ONE Platform gives the patient comfort, reliability and cost effectiveness.
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