Villa Sistemi Medicali

Villa Sistemi Medicali

Designs, manufactures and markets radiological systems in various areas, including Analog and digital R/F systems, Analog and digital general radiographic rooms, Mobile Units, Surgical X-ray units, Mammography, Dental panoramic, intraoral and 3D


Compact C-Arm
Arcovis DRF-C S21

The Arcovis DRF-C S21 a compact C-arm with a 21 x 21 cm flat panel detector, a 4kW generator, and an X-ray tube with a stationary anode. Its effortless movement and exceptional maneuverability allow easy positioning for accurate examinations. The user-friendly software interface and convenient hands-witch make executing exams a streamlined process, ensuring efficiency in workflow.
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Compact C-Arm
Arcovis DRF-C R30

The Arcovis DRF-C R30 is a compact C-arm unit with a Flat Panel Detector of 30 x 30 cm, a generator of 5kW, and an X-ray tube with a rotating anode. The unit has an onboard 27” monitor installed on top of an articulating arm, allowing it to be easily positioned to achieve the best point of view for the surgeon.
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Compact C-Arm with FPD
Arcovis DRF-C R21

The Arcovis DRF-C R21 is a compact C-arm unit with a flat panel detector of 21 x 21 cm, a generator of 5kW, and an X-ray tube with a rotating anode. This unit has an onboard 27” monitor, installed on top of an articulating arm, allowing it to be easily positioned to achieve the best point of view for the surgeon.
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Imágenes medicas

Compact C-Arm
Arcovis DRF-C S21

The Arcovis DRF-C S21 a compact C-arm with a 21 x 21 cm flat panel detector, a 4kW generator, and an X-ray tube with a stationary anode. Its effortless movement and exceptional maneuverability allow easy positioning for accurate examinations. The user-friendly software interface and convenient hands-witch make executing exams a streamlined process, ensuring efficiency in workflow.
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Compact C-Arm
Arcovis DRF-C R30

The Arcovis DRF-C R30 is a compact C-arm unit with a Flat Panel Detector of 30 x 30 cm, a generator of 5kW, and an X-ray tube with a rotating anode. The unit has an onboard 27” monitor installed on top of an articulating arm, allowing it to be easily positioned to achieve the best point of view for the surgeon.
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Compact C-Arm with FPD
Arcovis DRF-C R21

The Arcovis DRF-C R21 is a compact C-arm unit with a flat panel detector of 21 x 21 cm, a generator of 5kW, and an X-ray tube with a rotating anode. This unit has an onboard 27” monitor, installed on top of an articulating arm, allowing it to be easily positioned to achieve the best point of view for the surgeon.
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Mobile Radiography System
Visitor T30 R-DR

The Visitor T30 R-DR mobile radiography system offers considerable freedom of movement of the X-ray source, thanks to the rotation of the tube-holding arm on the vertical axis, which allows the operator to freely position the unit next to the patient's bed and center it on the anatomical part of interest with greater ease and efficiency. Thanks to the enlarged 35x43 cm flat panel dimension, also big patients or wide anatomic districts can easily be accommodated on the detector, making it ideal for hospital departments that have greater space optimization and management requirements in critical areas.
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Ceiling Suspension Tubestand
Lem Plus iC

Lem Plus iC is a ceiling suspension tubestand designed for seamless integration with Moviplan iC radiographic system and features an intuitive touch screen graphical user interface, providing the operator with immediate control of the main system parameters. Its ergonomic handles with integrated push buttons for activating movements allow for rapid, effortless and precise positioning of the ceiling tubestand, while the wide lateral and vertical movements provide complete coverage of the radiographic room.
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Surgical C-Arm
Arcovis 3000 R15

The Arcovis 3000 R15 is a surgical C-arm unit that provides the perfect balance between image quality, ease of positioning and ergonomics, making it suitable for use in the critical environment of the operating theatre. The perfect weight distribution of the C-arm and the motorized vertical travel make Arcovis 3000 R15 the ideal solution for real time imaging in surgery, orthopedics, angiography, interventional procedures, intensive care and casualty wards.
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Motorized Digital X-Ray System
Visitor T40 M-DR

The Visitor T40 M-DR is a high-end motorized digital X-ray system that grants maximum freedom of movement and efficiency, thanks to its refined battery powered system that enables movements and exposures without connection to the mains electricity. It allows healthcare providers to quickly access the patient area and reach narrow spaces close to the patient’s bed, where it enables efficient positioning, thanks to the ±320° rotating column and telescopic arm supporting the tubehead.
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Mobile Radiography System
Visitor T30 R

The Visitor T30 R mobile radiography system combines high X-ray performance with increased positioning flexibility, making it ideal for hospital departments that require greater space optimization and management. It offers considerable freedom of movement of the X-ray source, thanks to the rotation of the tube-holding arm on the vertical axis, which allows the operator to freely position the unit next to the patient's bed and centre it on the anatomical part of interest with greater ease and efficiency.
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Digital Radiography System
Moviplan iC DR

The Moviplan iC DR system provides the modularity, usability and functionality required by radiology centers to increase productivity and efficiency. It offers a full range of functionality and converts the radiographic room into a multipurpose system with the ability to perform a wide range of exams on any patient.
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Motorized X-Ray System
Visitor T30 M

The Visitor T30 M is a motorized X-ray system that grants maximum freedom of movement and efficiency, thanks to its refined battery powered system which allows movements and exposures without connection to the mains electricity. It provides quick access to the patient areas, reaching also narrow spaces close to the patient’s bed, where it allows an efficient positioning thanks to the ±320° rotating column and the telescopic arm supporting the tubehead.
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Mammography System
Melody IIID C

The Melody IIID C mammography system increases patient comfort and examination speed while achieving greater diagnostic accuracy and operational efficiency standards. It features state-of-the-art automatic exposure control which optimizes the exposure parameters, reducing the dose to be delivered to a minimum.
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Mobile Radiography System
Visitor T30 C

The Visitor T30 C mobile radiography system overcomes the need to integrate a rotating arm, as its reduced dimensions permit an easy positioning even between beds, and is also available with an integrated dose-area product dosimeter that gives immediate feedback about the dose value delivered to the patient. Thanks to its 32 kW, 125 kV high frequency generator and its rotating anode dual focus tube, Visitor T30 C is able to deliver the high productivity required during emergencies and meet the image quality of orthopedic, pediatric or surgery departments.
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Flat Panel Detector (FPD)

The VDX digital imaging line of Flat Panel Detectors (FPD) consists of four single-detector solutions and 9 two-detector combinations (both portable and fixed). Thanks to their portable design, any VDX system grants a straightforward integration in the facility’s current space and workflow, while ensuring unparalleled flexibility for the application range and configuration layouts.
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Digital Mammography System
Melody IIID

The Melody IIID digital mammography system features state-of-the-art automatic exposure control which optimizes the exposure parameters, thus reducing the dose to be delivered to a minimum. It features two large control touch-screen displays which allow the operator to carry out all the operations and view the parameters in a simple and immediate way.
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Ceiling Suspended Tube Stand
LEM Plus

The LEM Plus ceiling suspended tube stand offers a high level of structural rigidity and sturdiness, along with reduced dimensions that enable ease and accuracy of positioning for excellent and immediate radiographic results. Its wide vertical and lateral run span allows for highly effective use of examination room space, making it suitable for all types of radiology departments.
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Remote Controlled Radiography Table

The Apollo remote controlled radiography table allows users to get the best from the R/F room by offering a range of fast and accurate movements that ensure extraordinary application capability, reducing examination preparation times and improving patient comfort. Tilting by 90° in both directions makes it possible to install the remote controlled table in the most diverse configurations of the diagnostic room, allowing the best results to be obtained in any environment.
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Radiography System
Moviplan 800

Moviplan 800 is a modular Bucky system suitable for general radiographic applications, muscoskeletal diagnostic room or in emergency wards where the quality of the radiographic result must be combined with ease of use and speed of execution. Moviplan 800 can be equipped with different tubestands, HF generators, X-ray tubes and wall buckies to satisfy every need in terms of performance and application.
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Digital Radiographic System
Apollo EZ 4.0

Apollo EZ 4.0 is a compact and cost-effective digital system for all radiographic and R/F imaging needs having up to 180 cm source to image distance. It features a new touch screen control console with integrated intercom system and smart-touch joysticks and enables easy patient positioning system through its integrated camera.
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Radio-Fluoroscopy System

Viromatic radio-fluoroscopy system is the first choice for all routine fluoroscopic and radiographic examinations. Clever modular design allows several possible configurations to fit every need of a primary diagnostic X-ray room. It features a motorized tilting movement between +90° (vertical) and -15° (Trendelemburg), with automatic stop at limits and at horizontal; the motorized tabletop can be moved in two or four ways, according to operative needs.
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DR System
Visitor T30 C-DR

Visitor T30 C-DR unit features an enlarged 35x43 cm flat panel dimension, allowing large patients to be easily accommodated. The micro-processor controlled 32kW, 125kV high frequency generator and rotating anode dual focus tube make the unit suitable for a wide range of examinations at the patient’s bed and in intensive care and recovery rooms.
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Ceiling Suspension Tubestand
Lem Plus iC

Lem Plus iC is a ceiling suspension tubestand designed for a seamless integration with the Moviplan iC radiographic system and features an intuitive touch screen graphical user interface. Its ergonomic handles with integrated push buttons for movement activation enable rapid, effortless and precise positioning of the ceiling tubestand, while the wide lateral and vertical movements grant complete coverage of the radiographic room.
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R/F System

Vision is a high performance conventional R/F system designed to perform all kinds of R/F studies with the maximum efficiency and ease. It can be equipped with different high frequency generators with power levels from 50 to 80kW and a wide range of X-ray tubes that can be chosen to comply with the requirements of any R/F room.
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Remote Controlled DR/RF Table
Apollo EZ DRF

Apollo EZ DRF is a remote controlled table that combines the compactness and versatility of the Apollo EZ with a powerful digital acquisition system based on 43x43cm dynamic Flat Panel detector. With a small footprint, it is the ideal solution for examination rooms with limited space available for the installation, while the digital acquisition system grants a complete coverage of the radiographic and fluoroscopic applications.
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Digital Radiography System
Apollo DRF 4.0

The Apollo DRF 4.0 digital radiography system features a new borderless patient tabletop which simplifies patient transfer from the stretcher, while substantial height reduction from the floor improves patient accessibility to the table. It uses digital tomosynthesis imaging technique to obtain detailed volumetric reconstructions and offers the possibility of using different wireless flat panel for direct and off-table exposures.
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Mobile X-Ray Unit
Visitor T4

The Visitor T4 mobile X-ray unit features a 4 kW, 110 kV high frequency generator with a control panel that integrates an LCD alphanumeric display for higher visibility of all operative parameters. It allows the exposure parameters to be set through the keyboard mounted on-board and is suitable for most examinations performed in plaster rooms, emergency and health screenings contexts.
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DR Room
Moviplan iC

The Moviplan iC DR room provides the modularity, usability and functionality required in any radiological center that aims to increase productivity and efficiency. Its complete modularity facilitates the configuration of a tailor-made system to fit every requirement, while its extreme usability enables fast and intuitive control for dramatically improved workflow.
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Surgical C-Arm Unit
Arcovis 3000R

The Arcovis 3000R surgical C-arm unit has smooth surfaces to facilitate cleaning and disinfection, while the tubehead, image intensifier and C-arm can be covered with easy to apply sterilizable drapes. The perfect weight distribution of the C-arm and the motorized vertical travel make it the ideal solution for real time imaging in surgery, orthopedics, angiography, interventional procedures, intensive care, and casualty wards.
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Motorized DR System
Visitor T30 M-DR

The Visitor T30 M-DR motorized digital radiography system comes with a 35x43 cm detector, a 320 degree rotating column, and a telescopic arm supporting the tubehead. Its battery-powered system allows movements and exposures without connection to mains electricity, providing it quick access to patient areas and narrow spaces close to the patient’s bed.
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Mammography System
Melody IIID TS

The Melody IIID TS mammography system is equipped with an automatic collimator specifically designed for tomosynthesis to ensure more accurate detection of tumors and lesions, especially in patients with dense breast tissue. It uses an anti-scattering grid for allowing dose reduction even during tomosynthesis to always ensure the best possible image quality.
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DR Acquisition System
ArtPix EZ2GO

The ArtPix EZ2GO plug-and-play radiographic digital acquisition system includes a wireless Flat Panel Detector (FPD) and a tablet, and can convert any kind of analogue radiographic system in a full digital one. It does not require a physical connection as an X-ray source is enough to activate the device, allowing it to communicate with RIS-PACS via Wi-Fi.
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Digital Remote Controlled Table
Apollo DRF Open

The Apollo DRF Open digital remote controlled table features a single-side suspended tabletop for direct and easy access to the patient from all sides, and a 43x43 cm dynamic flat panel detector for a high frame rate and low dose requirement. It also offers solutions for reducing the dose, making it ideal for common general radiographic procedures, gastro-intestinal studies, tomography and vascular studies.
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The Armonicus U-arm features a 43x43 cm amorphous silicon flat panel detector and can be customized in all its principal parts, including manual and automatic collimators, X-ray tubes (normal or hi-speed) and generators (50 kW to 80 kW). It comes with a full range of pre-programmable system's position and allows for a complete range of projections, including cross-table lateral exams.
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Mammography System
Melody III

The Melody III mammography unit features isocentric C-arm rotation for switching from cranio-caudal to lateral views without re-adjusting its vertical position. It is compatible with the BYM 3D stereotactic biopsy system and has a frontal auxiliary display for showing the applied compression force, arm rotation angle and thickness of compression.
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C-arm Mobile Unit
Arcovis 3000 S

The Arcovis 3000 S surgical C-arm mobile unit can perform a wide range of movements due to its perfect weight distribution and motorized vertical travel. It features a stationary anode tube, and offers three fluoroscopy operating modes which can be activated with a multi-function foot-pedal for balancing image quality and patient dose.
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