O-Two Medical Technologies

O-Two Medical Technologies

Develops emergency respiratory care devices, including Resuscitators, Automatic Transport Ventilators, CPR, Airway Management, Oxygen Therapy and Burn Relief products


Analgesic Gas Delivery System
O-Two Equinox Advantage

The O-Two Equinox Advantage oxygen/nitrous oxide mixing and delivery system consists of a dual gas (oxygen and nitrous oxide) control module mixing system that maintains the output gas mixture at a constant ratio, over eight settings, from 25% to 100% oxygen. It allows the user to control the mix of gas and oxygen a patient is receiving in order to provide the appropriate dose for the patient and the procedure. Designed for use everywhere from the pre-hospital (ambulance), in-hospital (ER, labor and delivery, etc.) and dental (surgical procedures), the portable system is easy to use and eliminates the risk of delivering a hypoxic mixture.
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Automatic Transport Ventilator

The CAREvent Automatic Transport Ventilators are lightweight, portable, durable and simple to use, control module style, automatic time/volume cycled ventilators. Available in four models, they are completely pneumatic (no batteries required) and deliver breath by breath consistency in delivered tidal volume, frequency, inspiratory/expiratory times and flow rates.
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Los ventiladores eSeries comprenden los modelos e500, e600 y e700, con energía neumática, que proporcionan una gama de soluciones de ventilación para todo tipo de pacientes. Todos los modelos vienen con una batería autónoma y controles estandarizados para facilitar su uso.
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Analgesic Gas Delivery System
O-Two Equinox Advantage

The O-Two Equinox Advantage oxygen/nitrous oxide mixing and delivery system consists of a dual gas (oxygen and nitrous oxide) control module mixing system that maintains the output gas mixture at a constant ratio, over eight settings, from 25% to 100% oxygen. It allows the user to control the mix of gas and oxygen a patient is receiving in order to provide the appropriate dose for the patient and the procedure. Designed for use everywhere from the pre-hospital (ambulance), in-hospital (ER, labor and delivery, etc.) and dental (surgical procedures), the portable system is easy to use and eliminates the risk of delivering a hypoxic mixture.
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Automatic Transport Ventilator

The CAREvent Automatic Transport Ventilators are lightweight, portable, durable and simple to use, control module style, automatic time/volume cycled ventilators. Available in four models, they are completely pneumatic (no batteries required) and deliver breath by breath consistency in delivered tidal volume, frequency, inspiratory/expiratory times and flow rates.
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Los ventiladores eSeries comprenden los modelos e500, e600 y e700, con energía neumática, que proporcionan una gama de soluciones de ventilación para todo tipo de pacientes. Todos los modelos vienen con una batería autónoma y controles estandarizados para facilitar su uso.
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Disposable Bag-Valve-Mask

The SMART BAG MO disposable bag-valve-mask allows the provision of consistent ventilation while almost completely eliminating the risks associated with conventional BVM ventilation through an actuating mechanism hidden inside its neck bushing. It responds to the rescuer’s squeeze and the patient by limiting the excessive flow of gas into the airway to significantly reduce the risk of gastric insufflation by effectively lowering the airway pressure generated.
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eSeries Ventilators

The eSeries ventilators comprise the e500, e600 and e700 electronically-controlled, pneumatically-powered models, which provide a range of ventilation solutions for all types of patient requirements and all levels of pre-hospital and in-hospital healthcare professionals. All the three models come with an easily changeable, long lasting and self-contained battery pack and standardized controls for ease of use.
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Oxygen-Powered Aspirator
Statvac II

The Statvac II oxygen-powered aspirator suctions out excessive quantities of fluid/particles from a patient’s oro/naso pharynx and its ON/OFF shuttle provides for fast actuation in an emergency. The suction catheter can be quickly cleared of foreign material by covering the aspirator exhaust port with one finger, reversing the flow, and the aspirator can be attached to any 50 psi DISS outlet.
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