Oasis Diagnostic Corp

Oasis Diagnostic Corp

Oasis Diagnostic Corporation address the growing need for non-invasive saliva based technology for rapid testing, sample collection, and molecular diagnostics (DNA, RNA and proteins) in the Life Sciences area. The company is dedicated to meeting the need for more effective screening tools, which may be applied to the earl ...


DNA Isolation Kits
Mini•SAL and Midi•SAL

The Mini•SAL and Midi•SAL DNA isolation kits are designed for superior extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from saliva and/or buccal cells. The kits have been optimized for use with the DNA•SAL Salivary DNA Collection Device, but can be used with other saliva collection methods, subject to satisfactory validation.
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Lite Image Analysis Module

The LIAM (Lite Image Analysis Module) is a portable scanning module that is specifically designed to quantify results from a VerOFy Rapid, Oral Fluid Test. The battery-powered, light, hand-held module integrates a special analyte identification system that identifies the type of analytes being tested when the VerOFy device is inserted.
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VerOFy Rapid

La plataforma de prueba rápida para fluido oral, VerOFy combina la recolección rápida y estandarizada de saliva (fluido oral) con tiras de prueba inmunocromatográficas, de alta calidad, para brindar resultados inmediatos en el campo o en los puntos de atención.
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Laboratorio clínico

DNA Isolation Kits
Mini•SAL and Midi•SAL

The Mini•SAL and Midi•SAL DNA isolation kits are designed for superior extraction of high-quality genomic DNA from saliva and/or buccal cells. The kits have been optimized for use with the DNA•SAL Salivary DNA Collection Device, but can be used with other saliva collection methods, subject to satisfactory validation.
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Lite Image Analysis Module

The LIAM (Lite Image Analysis Module) is a portable scanning module that is specifically designed to quantify results from a VerOFy Rapid, Oral Fluid Test. The battery-powered, light, hand-held module integrates a special analyte identification system that identifies the type of analytes being tested when the VerOFy device is inserted.
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VerOFy Rapid

La plataforma de prueba rápida para fluido oral, VerOFy combina la recolección rápida y estandarizada de saliva (fluido oral) con tiras de prueba inmunocromatográficas, de alta calidad, para brindar resultados inmediatos en el campo o en los puntos de atención.
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