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VEDALAB focuses on the development, production and marketing of in vitro immunodiagnostic reagents and instruments. Its product range includes quantitative and qualitative rapid tests and reader for the quantitative interpretation of immunochromatographic qualitative rapid test cards.
The COVID-19-CHECK-1 ANTIGEN is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus in nasopharyngeal swab samples. The COVID-19-CHECK-1 Antigen qualitative immunochromatographic rapid test is to be used for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from nasopharyngeal swab samples by healthcare medical professionals.
El COVID-19-CHECK-1 EASY READER + se puede utilizar en combinación con pruebas inmunocromatográficas rápidas para la detección cuantitativa de anticuerpos IgM e IgG anti-spike (S1) contra el virus SARS-CoV-2.
The COVID-19-CHECK-1 ANTIGEN is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus in nasopharyngeal swab samples. The COVID-19-CHECK-1 Antigen qualitative immunochromatographic rapid test is to be used for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from nasopharyngeal swab samples by healthcare medical professionals.
The Rotavirus Test - 30003 – 30073 is an immunochromatographic rapid assay designed for the qualitative detection of rotavirus antigens in fecal samples. This test aids in the prompt diagnosis of rotavirus infections, facilitating timely medical intervention. With a simple procedure and quick results, it is an essential tool for healthcare professionals in various clinical settings.
The HIV Test - I541 is a rapid immunochromatographic assay designed for the qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in human serum, plasma, or whole blood. This test facilitates early and reliable diagnosis of HIV infection, enabling prompt medical intervention. With a simple procedure and rapid results, it is an essential tool for healthcare professionals in various settings.
The Troponin I-CK-MB DUO is an immunochromatographic rapid test designed for the qualitative detection of cardiac Troponin I and Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB) in serum or plasma samples. This dual-marker test aids in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by identifying elevated levels of these specific cardiac proteins. With a swift reading time of 20 minutes, healthcare professionals can promptly assess cardiac events, facilitating timely intervention.
The Rotavirus Test - 30003 – 30073 is an immunochromatographic rapid assay designed for the qualitative detection of rotavirus antigens in fecal samples. This test aids in the prompt diagnosis of rotavirus infections, facilitating timely medical intervention. With a simple procedure and quick results, it is an essential tool for healthcare professionals in various clinical settings.
The HIV Test - I541 is a rapid immunochromatographic assay designed for the qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in human serum, plasma, or whole blood. This test facilitates early and reliable diagnosis of HIV infection, enabling prompt medical intervention. With a simple procedure and rapid results, it is an essential tool for healthcare professionals in various settings.
The Troponin I-CK-MB DUO is an immunochromatographic rapid test designed for the qualitative detection of cardiac Troponin I and Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB) in serum or plasma samples. This dual-marker test aids in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by identifying elevated levels of these specific cardiac proteins. With a swift reading time of 20 minutes, healthcare professionals can promptly assess cardiac events, facilitating timely intervention.
The Strep Pneumoniae rapid immunochromatographic test detects Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens in urine samples. Positive control options are available, ensuring accuracy in the diagnosis of pneumococcal infections.
The Strep B test provides qualitative detection of Streptococcus Group B antigens from vaginal swab specimens. It is a rapid diagnostic tool designed for effective screening in obstetric and gynecological care.
The COMBO C.d. TOXIN A+B-CHECK-1 immunochromatographic rapid test qualitatively detects Clostridium difficile toxins A and B antigens in fecal samples. Results can be read visually or via the Easy Reader+ instrument for precise diagnostic accuracy.
The TSH Adult test is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) in serum, plasma, or whole blood. It features a cutoff of 5 µIU/mL, offering quick and reliable results for thyroid function assessment.
The Vitamin D-Check-1 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative determination of Vitamin D in plasma or serum samples and has a measuring range of 8 to 60 ng/mL. The test is to be used with the easy reader+ instrument and is CE pending (IVDR).
The HS-PROLACTIN - HS9091 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of high sensitive prolactin (HS-Prolactin). The test requires serum or plasma samples and has a measuring range of 3 – 100 ng/mL.
The Chagas (Trypanosoma cruzi)- 47053 – 47083 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi. The test requires whole blood, serum or plasma samples and has a diagnostic sensitivity of 98.4%.
The TSH Pediatric (Antigen) - 21103 – 21183 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). The test requires 15 µIU/mL of whole blood, serum, or plasma (pediatric version) sample.
CALPROTECTIN- 63091 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative determination of Calprotectin in feces with a measuring range of 25 – 350 µg/g.
C. d. GDH – 64073 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the detection of Clostridium difficile Glutamate Deshydrogenase (GDH) in feces with a cutoff of 5 ng/mL.
FERRITIN – 25091 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of FRT (ferritin) in whole blood, serum, or plasma with a measuring range of 10 – 630 ng/mL.
HS-INSULIN- HS12091 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of HIGH SENSITIVE insulin in whole blood, serum or plasma with a measuring range of 2 – 200 µIU/mL
The TPHA Syphilis L-99195/L-99200 is a test for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of antibodies to Treponema pallidum by hemagglutination in serum or plasma. The test has a diagnostic sensitivity of 99.3% and a diagnostic specificity of 99.7%.
Legionella pneumophila 81073 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of legionella pneumophila in urine samples. It has a diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 100% and an analytical sensitivity of 2.5X103 cfu/mL.
Troponin I 28091 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of Troponin I in serum or plasma. It has a measuring range of 0 to 50 ng/mL.
Myoglobin 15091 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of myoglobin in whole blood, serum or plasma. It has a measuring range of 50 – 500 ng/mL.
hCG-CHECK-1 es una prueba rápida cualitativa para la detección de gonadotropina coriónica humana (hCG) en muestras de sangre completa humana, que proporciona resultados en cinco minutos y con una sensibilidad de 25 mIU/mL.
La prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la detección cuantitativa de DÍMERO-D en sangre completa o plasma con un rango de medición de 250 a 5000 ng/mL FEU puede ser útil para descartar rápidamente la trombosis venosa profunda (TVP).
4091-3L es una prueba inmunocromatográfica rápida para la detección cuantitativa de sangre oculta en heces (hemoglobina). La prueba puede identificar pequeños rastros de sangre con un rango de medición de 10-499 ng/mL.
T082 es una prueba inmunoabsorbente ligada a enzimas para la determinación cuantitativa de tiroglobulina en suero humano. La medición de tiroglobulina sérica se utiliza principalmente como marcador tumoral en el carcinoma de tiroides.
The Influenza A+B DUO is a CE-Marked immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of influenza type A and B virus from nasal or throat swab, nasal aspirate and nasopharyngeal washes.
The VDRL Antigen MR is a CE-Marked test for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of plasma reagins (mono-reagent) in serum or plasma. It has a diagnostic sensitivity of 100% and diagnostic specificity of 100%.
The Helicobacter pylori antibody is a CE-Marked immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of human IgG antibodies to helicobacter pylori in whole blood, serum or plasma. Available in a device or strip format, it has a 15 AU/mL cut off.
CYSTATIN C es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica con marca CE para la detección cuantitativa de cistatina C en sangre completa, suero o plasma. Tiene un rango de medición de 0,1-8 mg/L y un tiempo de lectura de 10 minutos.
IgE is a CE-Marked immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of IgE (immunoglobulin E) in whole blood, serum or plasma. It has a measuring range of 10-800 IU/mL and a reading time of 10 minutes.
Anti Thyroglobulin is a CE Marked enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the quantitative determination of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies in human serum. The test helps detect possible thyroid problems.
La prueba de antígeno cuantitativo NT-proBNP-CHECK-1 es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica de diagnóstico in vitro (IVD) para la detección del fragmento amino terminal del péptido natriurético cerebral (NT-proBNP).
The COMBO INFLUENZA A+B-CHECK-1 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of influenza type A and B virus from nasal or throat swab, nasal aspirate and nasopharyngeal washes. The COMBO C.d. TOXIN A+B-CHECK-1 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of clostridium difficile Toxin A and Toxin B antigen in feces. The results of these tests can be read either visually or using the COVID-19-CHECK-1 EASY READER+ instrument.
El COVID-19-CHECK-1 EASY READER + se puede utilizar en combinación con pruebas inmunocromatográficas rápidas para la detección cuantitativa de anticuerpos IgM e IgG anti-spike (S1) contra el virus SARS-CoV-2.
The COVID-19-CHECK-1 ANTIGEN is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus in nasopharyngeal swab samples. The COVID-19-CHECK-1 Antigen qualitative immunochromatographic rapid test is to be used for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from nasopharyngeal swab samples by healthcare medical professionals.
La STREPA’LERT es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la detección cualitativa del antígeno del Streptococcus del Grupo A en muestras de hisopos de garganta. La prueba STREPA’LERT ahora tiene la marca CE.
La M-Albu-Check-1 es una prueba rápida basada en la unión competitiva del conjugado de oro de anticuerpos monoclonales anti-albúmina con la albúmina libre presente en la muestra de orina y la membrana recubierta de albúmina.
El análisis Ebola eZYSCREEN® es una prueba rápida para la detección del virus del Ébola (cepa ZAIRE), que permite el diagnóstico de la enfermedad en 15 minutos, usando unas gotas de suero/plasma o muestras de sangre total y muestra una excelente especificidad.
The beta-hCG immunochromatographic rapid test is intended for the quantitative detection of beta chain specific hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) in urine, serum or plasma. It has a measuring range of 5 – 1,000 IU/L and a reading time of 10 seconds.
The AFP immunochromatographic rapid test is intended for the quantitative detection of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) in whole blood, serum or plasma. It has a measuring range of 10 to 300 ng/mL and a reading time of 10 seconds.
El péptido C es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la determinación cuantitativa del péptido C en muestras de sangre total, plasma o suero. Diseñada para uso con lector + instrumento fácil, tiene un rango de medición de 0,5-40 ng/mL.
La prueba rápida Gluten-Check-1 fue diseñada para la detección de anticuerpos anti-transglutaminasa IgA antitejidos, asociados con la intolerancia al gluten (enfermedad celíaca). La prueba proporciona resultados exactos usando muestras de suero, plasma o sangre total.
La prueba cuantitativa Hb-Total es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la determinación cuantitativa de la hemoglobina total en muestras de sangre completa con un rango de medición de 5-25 g/dL.
La prueba cuantitativa HbA1c es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la determinación cuantitativa de HbA1c (hemoglobina glucosilada) en muestras de sangre total con un intervalo de medición de 4-16%.
La CA 15-3 es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la determinación cuantitativa del Antígeno de Cáncer 15-3 (CA 15-3). Requiere muestras de sangre, suero o plasma y tiene un rango de medición de 5-200 UI/ml.
El ALT/AST es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica cualitativa para la detección de la alanina transaminasa (ALT) y la aspartato transaminasa (AST) en suero, plasma o sangre total. La sensibilidad analítica es de 80 UI/L.
Vedalab’s ELISA REAGENTS are enzyme linked immunosorbent assays for the detection of HBeAg, HBsAg, IgG, IgM, anti-HBc and HIV 1/2 antibodies to Hepatitis A in human serum or plasma.
The URICHECK reagents strips are meant for the rapid visual determination of glucose, protein, ketone, ascorbic acid, bilirubin, leucocytes, nitrite, specific gravity/density, and pH in urine.
The EASY READER+ is a POC reader that allows quantitative measurements from fingerprick whole blood samples using rapid lateral flow tests. The instrument includes the most advanced and up-to-date technologies, including touch screen, enhanced memory, and internet upgrading, among others.
The Rotavirus Test - 30003 – 30073 is an immunochromatographic rapid assay designed for the qualitative detection of rotavirus antigens in fecal samples. This test aids in the prompt diagnosis of rotavirus infections, facilitating timely medical intervention. With a simple procedure and quick results, it is an essential tool for healthcare professionals in various clinical settings.
The Troponin I-CK-MB DUO is an immunochromatographic rapid test designed for the qualitative detection of cardiac Troponin I and Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB) in serum or plasma samples. This dual-marker test aids in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) by identifying elevated levels of these specific cardiac proteins. With a swift reading time of 20 minutes, healthcare professionals can promptly assess cardiac events, facilitating timely intervention.
The Vitamin D-Check-1 is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative determination of Vitamin D in plasma or serum samples and has a measuring range of 8 to 60 ng/mL. The test is to be used with the easy reader+ instrument and is CE pending (IVDR).
hCG-CHECK-1 es una prueba rápida cualitativa para la detección de gonadotropina coriónica humana (hCG) en muestras de sangre completa humana, que proporciona resultados en cinco minutos y con una sensibilidad de 25 mIU/mL.
La prueba de antígeno cuantitativo NT-proBNP-CHECK-1 es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica de diagnóstico in vitro (IVD) para la detección del fragmento amino terminal del péptido natriurético cerebral (NT-proBNP).
The COVID-19-CHECK-1 ANTIGEN is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus in nasopharyngeal swab samples. The COVID-19-CHECK-1 Antigen qualitative immunochromatographic rapid test is to be used for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from nasopharyngeal swab samples by healthcare medical professionals.
La STREPA’LERT es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la detección cualitativa del antígeno del Streptococcus del Grupo A en muestras de hisopos de garganta. La prueba STREPA’LERT ahora tiene la marca CE.
La prueba cuantitativa Hb-Total es una prueba rápida inmunocromatográfica para la determinación cuantitativa de la hemoglobina total en muestras de sangre completa con un rango de medición de 5-25 g/dL.
The URICHECK reagents strips are meant for the rapid visual determination of glucose, protein, ketone, ascorbic acid, bilirubin, leucocytes, nitrite, specific gravity/density, and pH in urine.
The EASY READER+ is a POC reader that allows quantitative measurements from fingerprick whole blood samples using rapid lateral flow tests. The instrument includes the most advanced and up-to-date technologies, including touch screen, enhanced memory, and internet upgrading, among others.